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Film, TV, and Game Composer Yeakun Yoo on Life Stories with Marc Hoberman.

Film, TV, and Game Composer Yeakun Yoo on Life Stories with Marc Hoberman. Yeakun talks about his passion for writing music as well as his very successful production company.

Q & A with Music Composer Yeakun Yoo

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing South Korean actor and musician Yeakun Yoo. I found Yeakun on LinkedIn while searching for a Korean actress for my film project. Despite his busy schedule, Yeakun took the time to see if he could assist me or guide me in the right direction. Although our collaboration didn’t work out as planned, we continued supporting each other.

‘Lies of P’ Composer Yeakun Yoo on Using Melody to Create a Gloomy Version of Pinocchio

The first thing players will likely notice about the acclaimed video game Lies of P is its difficulty. The second thing, however, is the game’s mesmerizing score, courtesy of Yeakun Yoo, one of the most exciting young composers working today. Yoo’s incredible compositions...

Composer Interview - Yeakun Yoo with Impact24

Hi Everyone! I would like to share an interview about myself as a game/film composer. Hope you guys enjoy it!
안녕하세요! 이번에 Impact24 와 인터뷰를 가졌는데요, 게임/영화 작곡가로써 저의 여정과 이야기에 관해서 이야기 나눠보았습니다. 즐겁게 감상해주시면 감사하겠습니다 :)

Interview with Composer Yeakun Yoo

Yeakun Yoo is a multi-media composer and classically-trained multi-instrumentalist with credits across film, television, and video games. He recently scored music for Lies of P, a soulslike action video game inspired by the story of Pinnochio. Yeakun relied on his talents as a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist to create the edgy and emotionally evocative score for the video game. ...

Meet Yeakun Yoo | Game, Film/TV Composer & entrepreneur

We had the good fortune of connecting with Yeakun Yoo and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Yeakun, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
I don’t want to claim that I’ve succeeded as a composer just yet. ...


In our latest Anatomy of a Scene interview, we chatted with Yeakun Yoo on 'Lies of P.'
PH: Which scene was your favorite to work on in Lies of P?
Yeakun Yoo: My favorite stage in the game is called 'Arche Abbey Entrance'. This is the final stage in the game. Arche Abbey Entrance is one of the locations in Lies of P. ...

How ‘Lies of P’ Music Was Made

As a game music composer, if I were asked about the proudest and most gratifying moment in my career, I wouldn't hesitate to say that it's when players listen to my music and experience a range of emotions. Whether it's feeling more excitement, sometimes sadness, sometimes joy, and even finding solace—when players feel these emotions without realizing that it's because of the music, ...

A Journey from Classical Training to Game Scores with Yeakun Yoo

I had the opportunity to speak with acclaimed composer Yeakun Yoo, delving into the intricacies of his transition from classical training in Korea to becoming a prominent figure in the realms of film, TV, and game scoring in Los Angeles. From the allure of hybrid orchestral genres to a pivotal role as the composer for the highly successful game “Lies of P,” Yoo shares insights into...

Lies of P | Behind the music - How the score of Lies of P was created

Lies of P music were created by Korean composers and musicians. In this interview, Composer Yeakun explains how he found inspiration and motivation and developed the music. Lies of P is a soul-like action role-playing video game developed by Neowiz Games and Round8 Studio and published by Neowiz Games. The game was released...

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